Injectable Ctertificates

Sculptra Training

Program Overview

Chellsey Institute of Beauty and Health offers a high-quality course on a safe and effective alternative to surgery or liposuction, Mesotherapy. This comprehensive one-day hands-on training and certification workshop explores the advanced cosmetic techniques by using FDA-approved injectable poly-L-lactic acid-PLLA (Sculptra) into the dermal layers. This substance works to kick-start the body’s natural collagen production mechanism. Sculptra injections fill out the area under the skin with a shape that looks natural and fits with their body type. This course offers injection techniques for the most frequently requested advanced areas of the body (Face and Body).

Request Information

Program Duration:

1 day

Class Schedule:

Saturday class (9:00 am to 5:00 pm)

Admissions Requirements:

  • Course is only available to Doctors (MDs), Nurses (RN, RPN, NP), and International Medical Graduates (IMGs)

  • Admissions interview